My first day at school is an unforgettable memory for me and gave me a gift I cherish till this date. It was a  comfortable evening in April when I was informed with the news that I have been admitted to Lhuentse higer second school.I didn’t know how to react. I have seen my brother going to school daily, sometimes he was happy about it, but sometimes he was very reluctant to go and made silly excuses to avoid the school. My parents had also brought a very cute school uniform. I liked it and was excited to wear it. But I still had no idea about how the first day of my school was going to be.

The school building was huge. It was painted with cartoons. I got happy when I saw my favourite cartoon characters, Tom & Jerry painted on the walls too. My father left me at the school gate to a peon after instructing him about my class. The peon picked me up very gently and started walking through the endless corridors. I could see the huge playground in the middle of the school building. It had all kinds of swings in it. For a moment, I wanted to run away to my favourite Merry-Go-Round, but I dropped that temptation and was dropped in front of my class by the peon.

  My first lesson I was taught the alphabet. But since I already knew them, the teacher called me out to recite it in front of the class. I nervously went ahead and did it. Everyone clapped for me. It was a very nice moment and made my first day of the school an unforgettable memory for me.And I got s friends,but not a best friend. Also i got a girlfriends means girl is friend. We both are same class and we both make a memory in three year. 


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